Duplicate values when selecting chart of accounts values in the prompt boxes on the Finance Dashboard are often caused by selecting multiple hierarchy levels.
This is the org hierarchy:
A President
B Academic or Administrative (Provost or VP)
C Division (Dean or VP)
D Optional sub-level
E Department
# Org (only numbers no letters)
When you select org, you can only choose ONE LEVEL. You can choose C level and select more than one C level, but you cannot select C level and D level. You can choose E level and select more than one, but you cannot select E level and child value.
The computer is going to do exactly what you tell it to do. If you select the E level and the child level, it will show you both of them. When they are the same thing, that means you get double amounts.
Let’s use a real-life example. Let’s say I want to look at my own org, General Accounting. This is the hierarchy:
A0001 President
B7500 Operations Finance & Support
C7003 Finance and Budget
D7500 Controller’s Office
E7500 Controller’s Office
75005 General Accounting
If I select 75005 I get real amounts. If I select E7500 and 75005, I get double. If I select D7500 and E7500 and 75005 I get triple. If I select C7003 and D7500 and E7500 and 75005 I get quadruple.
Now let’s say I want to look at orgs within the Controller’s Office:
E7500 Controller’s Office
75000 Controller
75005 General Accounting
75007 Tax
(Selected values for illustration purposes. Don’t worry, Payroll still exists!)
I can choose EITHER E7500 OR all the child values 75000-75007. If I choose BOTH, then I get double information.
I hope that illustration is helpful, but please let me know if you have questions – crystald@rice.edu or Zoom chat or x2478.